Naomi Novik

 Naomi Novik 's Books

A very well recieved series by Naomi Novik are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Uprooted, Spinning Silver, His Majestys Dragon, Blood of Tyrants, Black Powder War, League of Dragons, Tongues of Serpents, Throne of Jade, His Majesty's Dragon t-1, Victory of Eagles, Crucible of Gold, Empire of Ivory, Golden Age and Other Stories, A Deadly Education, Crucible of Gold t-7, Empire of Ivory t-4, Black Powder War t-3, Tongues of Serpents t-6, Victory of Eagles t-5, Throne of Jade t-2, Tongues of Serpents: A Novel of Temeraire, Blood of Tyrants (Temeraire), which was published in 2022.